
Here’s our curated selection of articles, blogs, reports and other material from Switzerland, India and the United States related to the topic of Science Communication during the pandemic. Happy reading!

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Scientific Barometer Switzerlandby the Dept. of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich

Why a key lesson for science communicators is the need to focus as much on the accuracy of scientific information as on its social, political and economic consequences.

A Covid-19 Exclusive on Scientific Barometer Switzerlandby the Dept. of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich

The University of Zurich has made a special edition of the Scientific Barometer Switzerland on how Swiss citizens perceive science during the pandemic.

The difference between Good and Bad Science Communication during a Pandemicby The Wire

Why a key lesson for science communicators is the need to focus as much on the accuracy of scientific information as on its social, political and economic consequences.

Inside India’s Covid Response ResourcesMultiple Indian institutions

This website serves as a hub to bring together a collection of resources in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. These resources are generated by public supported research institutions in India and associated programs.

The best evidence for how to overcome COVID Vaccine Fearsby Claudia Wallis, in Scientific American

Health communications specialists like to say that “public health moves at the speed of trust.” Here’s what it could mean for the pandemic, in particular with respect to the mistrust towards vaccines.

How the Coronavirus pandemic is changing virtual science communicationby Nikki Forrester, Nature

How the pandemic is changing virtual science communication, as researchers flock to join ‘Skype a Scientist’ after COVID-19 closed their labs.

Science Communication in Action – COVID-19 editionby Jon Arnst and Laurel Oldach, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

There’s a flood of information out there about the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are 10 examples of solid scicomm about the novel coronavirus.

Science and Policy collide during the pandemicby Diana Kwon, The Scientist

Covid-19 has laid bare some of the pitfalls of the relationship between scientific experts and policymakers – but some researchers say there are ways to make it better.

Science Communication in the COVID-19 era is a brave, new world, for the better and worseby Damian Garde, Meg Tirrell, Adam Feuerstein, in

The biggest debates in science communication were often about balancing hope and hype when it came to novel discoveries. The Covid-19 pandemic introduced a new dynamic.

Communicating Science in a crisisby Michael Gross, in Current Biology

Challenges of science communication when failures and the rise of misinformation have cost lives.

Quality Science Communication on COVID-19 requires Context and Relevanceby Tiffany Lohwater, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Why upholding high-quality standards for scientific publication is an important responsibility to both the scientific community and public audiences.

How Science Communication is failing during COVID-19by Len Strazenwski, American Medical Association

The role of science communication when many news reports come from press releases and other corporate announcements, not authoritative scientific studies.

Communicating Science in Covid Timesby Stefanie Molthagen-Schnöring, Elephant in the Lab

Why upholding high-quality standards for scientific publication is an important responsibility to both the scientific community and public audiences.

Coronamüde? Wie die Berichterstattung über COVID-19 neue Akzente setzen könnteby Martina King und Yvonne Wübben, in

Die Autoren plädieren für eine differenziertere Diskussion von Krankheitsbildern und Langzeitfolgen und erklären, wie das zu mehr Akzeptanz der Corona-Maßnahmen führen kann.

La communauté scientifique s’interroge sur la communication autour du COVID-19by The National Center for Scientific Research in France

Un atelier inédit, organisé par le comité de pilotage Covid-19 du séminaire Maladies Infectieuses Emergentes, s’est tenu à l’automne dernier pour pointer les fonctionnements et dysfonctionnements de la communication pendant la crise sanitaire entre puissance publique, experts et médias.

L’épidémie COVID-19 et la communication scientifiquein

Les auteurs analysent les mécanismes qui pour eux ont freiné les avancées de la science. Ils estiment que la crise induite par l’épidémie COVID-19 est une occasion de réévaluer la manière dont les travaux et les systèmes de communication savante servent le bien public.

Eight lessons COVID-19 can teach us about Science Communicationby Kelleigh Greene, in Scientia

Responding to global health crises inevitably involves an intersection of science, politics, and socioeconomics, and effective science communication is at the heart of this intersection.

Scientific Communication in the shadow of COVID-19by Alan Kelley, in Oxford University Press OUPblog

The role of science communication when many news reports come from press releases and other corporate announcements, not authoritative scientific studies.

COVID-19: Unravelling the science in a crisisby Gilbert Nakweya, in SciDev.Net

The role of science communication during a crisis is being brought into sharp focus when the world is in a state of emergency.